all i want is...
sometimes i just want
to remain the same
not grow
not know
but just
have fun
be carefree
and be myself
the lil girl in me
daddy little girl
that girl that runs around her house
that girl that holds her daddy pinkie when she crosses the road
that girl that hugs her daddy hand before she goes to bed and not let him leave her alone
that girl that runs on the road barefoot chasing her puppy
that girl who was always boyish inside
that girl who loves sliding down the car porch when it was washed
that girl who loves hugging her dog and feeling her soft brown fur against her face
that girl who was the class clown and who would do stupid things in school and not care
why do things change?
why do people get old and die?
i want everythin to remain the way it is
just the way it is...
i dont want anyone to go.